Swinson, Tara » Welcome to 6th Grade Earth Science!

Welcome to 6th Grade Earth Science!

I am so excited to start this academic year with you and your child. This is my ninth year of teaching and my 2nd year teaching at BCMS. I believe that anyone can learn, and it is my goal for your child to do just that in our classroom. I have a love for learning and obtaining knowledge, and I am hoping to instill that same love for education into your child this year.

All students can access daily/weekly lessons, assignments, and updated class information through their Google Classroom. All students will receive a code to access their Google Classroom. Please continue to monitor your Google Classroom for class updates throughout the year. Finally, please do not hesitate to contact me anytime via ClassDojo or email at [email protected] with questions regarding the class.


I am excited to have you in my class, and I look forward to an amazing school year!