Kelly, Jammey » 7th Grade Invention & Innovation Technology Class Syllabus

7th Grade Invention & Innovation Technology Class Syllabus

Seventh Grade Invention & Innovation Technology Class Syllabus
Session A & B _ Semester Course
Image result for west point bridge designerImage result for wizard rocket


This curriculum is a 18-week (semester) plan designed to provide seventh grade students with an introduction to the world of invention and innovation along with the engineering design process.  Students will examine the impacts of invention and innovation on society and solve problems through research, design, and experimentation in one or more of the areas of engineering and technology. They will investigate solutions to technological problems, using research, data collection design, and experimentation in one or more of the areas of engineering and technology. They investigate solutions to technological problems, using research, data collection, design, prototype development, and working models.

Invention and innovation reinforce the areas of math, science, social studies, and language arts through hands-on activities and practical applications.  This course is also designed to assist students in evaluating products and systems and choose the appropriate technologies to solve a variety of tasks.  It will also help them to become self-sufficient in producing a functional invention or innovation.

Invention &Innovation Technology Standards – (Practical Application)

  • ENGR-II-1: Students will learn the concept of invention and innovation.
  • ENGR-II-2: Students will examine the core concepts of engineering and technology.
  • ENGR-II-3: Students will demonstrate engineering design and problem solving skills.
  • ENGR-II-4: Students will invent or innovate a technological product.
  • ENGR-II-5: Students will examine the impacts of inventions and innovations on society.
  • ENGR-II-6: Students will develop leadership skills and work ethics.


Problem Solving & Critical Thinking Skills


Grading Policy

Problem Solving & Critical Thinking Skills

40% Formative Assessments

(Daily Activities, Quizzes, & Work Ethics)

Whole Group Activities

40% Summative Assessments

(Projects & Tests)

Small Group Activities (Flexible Groupings)

20% Preps for Learning

(Homework/Class work & Notebook Checks (3)

Independent Assignments