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Chorus -- Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year. 

This is going to be a very different year due to the Covid-19 restrictions. Most of our singing will be through online platforms that you will do from home. I am trying my best to think outside the box to provide opportunities for you to perform this year, but it is going to be challenging!
Welcome to the chorus and music website! Here you will find links to resources for your musician, copies of the choral handbook, order forms and access to fundraising information. Thanks for visiting and have a great year!

Mrs. Wilson
[email protected]
Resources to help with Music Reading Skills:
Sight singing tips
exercises to try free -- or subscribe for unlimited access
tons of exercises to try on your own  -- all free 
Contact information for me:
Class Dojo -- sign up now!
706-554-3532 school
706-831-5182 cell
[email protected] 
Also, check your child's planner for notes from time to time. 
I would love to hear from you!